Thursday, July 12, 2007

Twenty Years Ago

Pastor Bender was ordained on this day, twenty years ago.

O eternal, merciful God, You have spoken through Your own dear Son, saying that the harvest is plentiful but the laborers few and that we should ask You, the Lord of the harvest, to send laborers into Your harvest. Hear now our prayer on behalf of Peter who is ordained and consecrated to be Your minister in the Church. Strengthen him mightily to take up the word of truth and faithfully to administer Your holy sacraments.

O Lord Jesus Christ, our great High Priest, who gave Your own life to be a holy and perfect sacrifice for us and for our salvation, grant Peter a heart zealous for Your people and boldness to guide, comfort, admonish, and serve Your congregation with gentleness and wisdom. Fill him, Your undershepherd, with Your love that in Your name he will seek the straying and bear up the weak. Give him the heart never to grow weary in the service of Your flock.

O Holy Spirit, strengthen and keep him in the Word of truth and life, and support him in every time of trouble and distress. Grant fruit to his labors and, when the day of labor is ended, grant him to come with rejoicing before Your presence to receive with all the saints his portion in eternal salvation.

1 comment:

  1. Amen to that, and thanks be to God for this faithful servant of His Word. I am forever grateful that he keeps giving us Jesus.
