Sunday, October 01, 2017

A Fresh Calendar Page

When I turned the calendar over to October, the page was nearly blank.  Two long doctor appointments for the girls, and a weekend for Gary and Andrew to go off together.  That's it.  Oh, sure, there's the regular: choir and Bible class and making supper.  But that goes without saying.  The calendar is emptier than I've seen in ages.

I knew months ago that September would be a bit stressful because five days were blocked out before anything else even began.  But as we got into the month, things snowballed.
10 days: three out-of-state trips.
5 days: secretarial work at church.
1 day: out-of-town company here.
1 day: a conference.
3 days: computer died and had to be replaced.

That's 20 days.  No wonder the house is dirty and I feel like it's been too long since I cooked-for-real.  But still, look at some of the good  stuff!

October looks restorative.  A month with only two days blocked off -- it's beautiful!

Fingers are crossed that Mr Murphy doesn't get wind of this and decide to "fix" the situation.