Monday, March 23, 2009

Sixth Commandment

During chapel last week, the pastor asked the first- and second-graders to say the commandments. When he got to "What is the sixth commandment?" some of the kids started to say, "You shall not give false testimony..." while others were starting on "You shall not commit adultery." Thing is, when that happens, usually the kids hear classmates saying something different, and whether they're right or wrong, they second-guess themselves and get much quieter. So after some voices were saying "give" and some saying "commit," the voices became subdued. The kids did fine when Pastor asked the second time.

But put those two words in the airwaves together, and what do you get?

Pastor was walking out of chapel, shaking his head, mumbling under his breath, "You shall not get adultery. You shall not get adultery."

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