Wednesday, June 13, 2007


Good grieeeeeef!

Gary about stepped on a toad near the front stoop this evening. "Ah ha," I think. "An opportunity for wee cat to chase something alive." Granted, nobody wants to bite a toad. But still, the chase would be good for her. (Especially since I have had to kill two mice in the last 24 hours all by myself. And this AIN'T MY JOB. It's the cats' job!)

Well, either this is a very smart and camoflauged toad ... or this is a defective kitty. This kitty's grandma was the awesome huntress who taught Athena to be such a good mouser (and possum-chaser, and bunny-murderess, and fowler, etc). I would've thought Rosie would have a grand time pouncing at the toad. I didn't think she'd actually do it damage, though.

But, c'mon! She crouched into a pouncy stance, twitched her tail, and stared. No pounce. Finally she walked over and touched noses to the toad.

She better be more effective when tempted with mice and groundhogs!


  1. I think we got the would-be huntress- she runs like Athena, and (though she started out nervous of heights) will leap off anything to get to her still repeatedly dead toy mouse. She's also very good at pouncing from a non-pouncy stance.

    It's harder for toes to move if they don't know it's coming, y'know...

  2. Rosie has already eviscerated one of her toy mice. It's the live prey that seems to stump her. She has made a few moves in the direction of Athena's tail, but wee cat is smart enough to know that those deep-throated growls mean to leave big cat alone.

    Maybe the toad stunk. She sure has been tickled by the odors coming from the mousehole on the basement steps.

  3. I thought from reading a nature book that those glands that are behind a toad's head emit a bad taste/smell that predators can often detect and is supposed to make their mouths not feel really good.

    Maybe it's the toad that is doing its job well...rather than your cat not doing it well enough.

  4. Oh! I'll meet you at Katie & Nathan's tomorrow- with your brown platter. I'll call them in the morning to find out when I should arrive... Matt and I have other errands we need to run before business hours are over.

  5. Sounds like the new kitty needs some catechesis on vocation....
