Wednesday, July 16, 2008


Philip went out back to haul some dirt this morning and came in feeling a mite hot. I noticed yesterday that the deck seems like an oven on hot days, blowing hot air in through the window of the breakfast nook. (That aspect of the deck might be nice in March or November, but I'm not sure what to do with it in August!)

We put the thermometer out in the backyard. 110°. Oh. So it IS warm! It's only 90 in the front yard where there's shade. Y'know, in days past, the whole point of a day like today was to just simply get through it without heat stroke and without the livestock suffering from the heat. Nowadays, most of us just crank up the AC, and the main inconvenience is when we get a glimpse of the electric bill. Some of us, though, continue to get by just by splashing water on ourselves and drinking a lot and being lazy on days like today. But, hey, there's an upside: the laundry is drying super-fast on the clothesline!

Is there anybody sitting in the air-conditioning today that would like to send me money for their indulgences carbon credits???

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