Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Baseball Movie

My husband tells me The Final Season was panned by the critics. Apparently, the critics don't approve of a movie that thinks small-town America is preferable to the Big City. Apparently, the critics don't approve of a movie that exalts discipline and CHORES for straying children. Apparently, the movie critics agree with the educrats that consolidation of high schools is a good thing, rather than keeping the local schools operating. Apparently, the critics don't appreciate the message that, in baseball, as in so many other endeavors, the fundamentals are ... well ... fundamental.

Sean Astin stars in this movie, and for me, that's reason enough to watch it. But the whole setting of the small-town baseball team excelling even when some are trying to squash 'em ... it's definitely an uplifting and fun movie! One of those movies where I find myself cheering, clapping, and wooo-hooo-ing along with the people in the bleachers in the movie.

This movie made me think of Hebron and their basketball water-tower. Except in this Iowa story about baseball, the place was a dynasty for two decades. And it was about the size of Sadorus.

Mom, Gary says Dad would like this one. It's got more language than you'd like, but not too bad. And other than that, it is outstanding!


  1. :) Sweet!

    My dad graduated one of Hebron's rival high schools in 1952. My driver's ed teacher (& our school's basketball coach) was one of the twins. Neat to see you write about my 'home'.


  2. I'll check it out. If it's a ball story, I bet Aunt Mary has it already.
