Monday, January 07, 2008

Witchdoctor Garlic (aka: Less Sick)

I got up this morning and made my bed. First time in days! (Still not dressed, and may not bother going that far in recuperation-behavior today!)

Saturday night I put a thin layer of vaseline on the soles of my feet, and then sprinkled a thick layer of garlic powder on it, patted it into the vaseline, and put on socks. Sure enough, about ½ hour later, I could taste garlic in my mouth and smell it coming up through my lungs and sinuses. I needed garlic, and my stomach was in no condition for the amount of raw garlic I needed. So I tried the "external, through-the-soles-of-the-feet" way, and it worked. Not as well as eating the raw stuff, but certainly better than no garlic!

It also crossed my mind that external garlic might help my throat. Part of the reason for the incapacitating headaches of the last few days was dehydration. It was painful to swallow. So I sliced a nice round clove of raw garlic in half, and used a bandaid to tape the cut edges to the skin over my voicebox. That set my voice to improving faster than I dreamed possible. The biggest problem with the garlic there was removing the bandaids from the tender thin skin later. Ouch! (Hey, but less "ouch" than the sore throat!!)

Still sick, but at least I can get up and hobble around to do a load of laundry, take a rest, pay some bills, take a rest, do another load of laundry, take a rest, etc. My biggest problem now seems to be that I've injured a rib through the violent coughing. Can you bruise ribs or get hairline fractures that way? I'm remembering Maggie's collapsed lung last year because of the pain it gave her to take a full deep breath, and I keep telling myself that I do not want to go there. I gotta take those big breaths no matter how much my ribs hurt.


  1. Get some "Fisherman's Friend" from your pharmacy and put some Vicks Rub on your feet at night with socks on. These things REALLY do work.

    Fisherman's Friend is rare in these parts, so I would suggest calling all your pharmacy's before leaving the house or order it online.

  2. We've got Fisherman's Friends in the house. Boy, those sure are effective! But when I'm coughing up mucus [sorry... ugly picture] it doesn't seem that I want to turn off the cough.

    I thought about the Vicks on my feet. But right now I've got the garlic there. Now that the fever has broken and I seem to be on the mend, maybe I could switch my soles over to Vicks.

  3. I'm pretty sure you can bruise ribs, or at least the muscles around there (so you feel like you have rib problems). When I got my physical the doctor confirmed the rib bruising I had and that was just from situps.

  4. I used to get bruised ribs every winter from my bronchitis. Ouch! I would have to force myself to breathe in anything resembling a normal manner.

  5. Susan,
    I would have paid to see you with garlic band-aided to your throat (maybe payment would be homemade chicken soup for you and the family).

  6. Well, when Matt and Rachel showed up on Saturday, he did ask about the garlic on my neck. But I can guarantee you that we didn't see one single vampire around here all weekend.
