Friday, January 11, 2008

Changes Coming?

There are times when you know everything could be different in 8 hours. Sometimes it's inconsequential, like when I was going to see Lord of the Rings or Passion for the first time, knowing that those movies would forever change the mental images I carry in my head for those stories. Usually when there's something monumental coming, you don't know that it's coming (like a car accident), or precisely when it's arriving (like motherhood). Vicarage placements and call day at sem have that surreal feeling that something big is coming, and it could change everything.

Gary headed off to town a little while ago for job interviews. Someone familiar with the company suggested yesterday that, after all the waiting and the delays of the past months, we ought not be surprised if they offer him a job and tell him to show up Monday morning to start. Whether they tell him today "We're not interested" or "Show up for orientation on Monday," it will mean huge things for our family either way. I keep thinking of ALL the little things that will be impacted by Gary's having a full-time secular job. Not the biggies. But that I'll be driving the van instead of the car. That it's going to change dinner-time. That I'm going to have quite the job to get veggies into these people if I'm not setting a steaming bowlful on the table but packing it into a brown-bag. That bed-time is going to have to be much earlier. Things like that.


  1. Even a change that brings tangible benefits is always hard, always a shift, always an adjustment. At least I think it is!

    After all the upheaval of traveling the world as a missionary kid, you'd think I'd be adapted to a shifting lifestyle.

    NOT. :) My coping skills tank runs on fumes these days.

  2. Change can be good. You know what they say, we may love our routines (our ruts), but the difference between a rut and a grave is just a few feet :0

    In this situation, Romans 8:28 comes to mind. Hoping you get good news soon.
