Thursday, January 10, 2008

Scaer's "In Christ: Volume 2"

The book is published and ready for sale. It will be available next week in Fort Wayne at the symposium. Visit the CCA booth. (There will be a signing party at one point during the week, for those who'd like their copies autographed.)

I had assumed that, after the sermon volume, the rest of the volumes would be a little more "difficult," deeper theology, bigger words, longer sentences, etc. But this volume is definitely accessible to laymen. It is the "popular articles" of David Scaer: articles that have appeared in Lutheran Witness and For the Life of the World and Christianity Today, among others. There are [very readable] articles on abortion and the American Revolution and the end of the world and the centrality of the doctrine of justification. My only regret as I made one super-fast editing pass through this book last fall was that I couldn't lollygag and revel in it. Because it's good (!) and worth being soaked up instead of skimmed through.

Suggestion: this would make one doozy of a book for youth or adult Bible study or book-discussion club.


  1. For those who won't be at symposium next week and who understandably can't wait until a CCA booth shows up in your neck of the woods, contact
    or 262-246-3200 (weekday mornings)
    to order your copies.
    (Credit cards now accepted.)

  2. We need to get you a Vanna dress so you can gesture at the books while posing...
