Tuesday, November 27, 2007


Okay, I admit it. I'm ADD and distractible.

Someone asked me to read "Dark Night of the Soul" by St John of the Cross. So I'm getting my feet wet and going through it. And St John uses an analogy for how God gives us His good gifts in sweetness and joy, but then must eventually help us "grow up," and thus we begin to encounter anfechtungen.

But the analogy distracted me.

It said something about how a mother would put aloe on her breasts to discourage a child from nursing so that he would be weaned and go on to his growing up.

Aloe? YUCK! Nasty! Aloe in a kid's mouth would certainly discourage him from asking to nurse. But aloe in the mouth is just awful. It would be kinder to hit a kid than to put aloe in his mouth.

Just the thought of aloe in the mouth makes me want to run to the bathroom and spit and spit and spit. Thinking of aloe in the mouth makes you want to wash your own mouth out with soap because it would improve the sensation in your mouth.

Oh. Was I supposed to be reading theology?
Ooops. Got distracted by that "Solidarity With The Holsteins" thing again.
And the horrid thought of aloe touching my tastebuds.

Aloe in the mouth. [Shudder!!!!]


  1. Oooooh! Thanks for the idea, Susan! I couldn't figure out how to wean this one...now over two. Usually we are expecting...and I am at a loss no longer. Wanted something safe, but effective for both of us!

  2. Oh, Lauri, you think you're gonna try this? [shudder] Well, I can say one thing. I'm sure it will work. Probably two times and el-Munchkin will run from the breast, never to try again.
