Sunday, November 25, 2007

Hallucinations -- Part 3

Do you suppose that maybe, just maybe, God knows what's good for me ... even when I am confused and uncomfortable and in pain? I might think that my dad should not pull out his IV's or gastric tube, but he sure didn't agree in those days immediately post-surgery. I'm arrogant enough to think I knew better than he did, and to think he shouldn't be made "comfortable" if it meant doing harm to himself. Of course, he might not be able to recognize the harm that would come to him if he should try to get up and walk while he's still attached to the bed and to the wall. But his inability to recognize his situation doesn't at all lessen the harm that would come to him if he tried to do what he thought was a good idea.

Do we ever end up in the position that the post-surgery patient is in? Do we ever end up with God watching over us and our every move, apparently thwarting whatever attempts we make to improve our situation? And why does He do it? Just because He thinks He knows better! Just because He isn't trying to get immediate comfort, but is wanting to do what is ultimately for our best interest! And what do we do in response to His watchful eye and His tender care? We chafe. We try to sneak around Him and make things turn out the way that we think best. We accuse Him of not loving and not caring and not helping us.

My hallucinations about "what is best for me" can be every bit as misguided as the poor fellow who just had surgery and is full of narcotic pain-killers.

When you're one of the care-takers in the ICU dept, this is all so easy to see. But when you're the one who's hurting, it's practically impossible to see.

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