Sunday, October 07, 2007

Survival of the Fittest

After listening to some of the presentations yesterday on medical care for the handicapped, something became apparent. A huge irony.

There is one group of people in our society who promotes evolution. As much as possible, they ensure that "intelligent design" is not allowed in schools. They ridicule those who believe in creation. They talk about things that happened millions (or billions) of years ago. And yet, these are often the same people who suggest that the government [that is, the taxpayers] fund massively expensive programs to fund health care and social programs for those who are not the "fittest."

Now, I am not saying I'm against expensive surgery and cures. My mom, my aunt, and my daughter all benefited from medical technology that was not cheap nor simple. But it seems odd that those who believe in "the survival of the fittest" would also be the ones who want to fund programs to keep alive those who would've otherwise died. To be intellectually consistent, shouldn't they be wishing for the needy and the handicapped to be denied medical treatment, so as to "cleanse the gene pool"?

Ah, but I guess in some other countries, the liberals have already gotten to that point.


  1. I believe I read on Veith that "Objectivism," the view that was touted by Ayn Rand - and promoted social darwinism, is making a comeback. And with it, the belief that mercy is a bad thing - because it causes those to survive who shouldn't.

  2. Oh yikesy! We're usually better off when the liberals aren't intellectually consistent!
