Wednesday, October 10, 2007


Been a little stressed. (Ha! What an understatement!) Our health insurance is due to be terminated, retroactive to May 31, if the past-due premiums are not received by this Sunday. This would've left us not only with the past bills, but also with a lapse in coverage which would've meant pre-existing conditions (such as heart defects, among others) would not have health coverage for a significant period of time. Thanks to generous gifts by saints throughout the Church, money was donated to cover the bill. Our congregational treasurer finally got a check written last Saturday. Given the state of our snail-mail sometimes, we were leery of the payment arriving on time. So we next-day-aired it. And I just received confirmation that the check arrived at Concordia Plan's mailbox. It is not yet in their possession, but it's waiting to be picked-up. WHEW!!! This is a HUGE weight off my mind!


  1. Praise God! I'm so glad that the check made it there. Health insurance has been an issue for us, too, as we've been self-employed (and therefore self-insured) for years. We're waiting to hear if we've been accepted to WI's BCBS; so far they haven't turned us down, but they may (as many others have) once they see the words "Down syndrome" on the application.

    Enjoy that feeling of relief! :)

  2. I have tried to get information on BadgerCare (govt health insurance for low-income working families) from the county, but they haven't called back yet. I also figure we can check into Katie Beckett funds for Maggie if we end up needing to buy insurance, but are uninsurable because of the her special needs. (I mean, hey, if I were running the insurance company, I sure wouldn't want to take on Maggie's bills.)

    I hope BCBS comes through for you, Barbara!

  3. Are you up for a cyber hug? Personally I'm not much of a huggy person, but sometimes it just seems like the only thing to do. :)

    Praying for peace for you. You have certainly had an interesting few weeks!
