Thursday, April 10, 2008

Perfect Teeth

In this spate of recent 50's tv we've been watching, I noticed something. The people's teeth aren't perfect. They're reasonably straight. At least, for most of the actors and actresses. But there are spaces between teeth. There are even a few crooked teeth here and there. And it's okay.

It was a different world....


  1. Blinding white teeth, just aren't natural. It makes me want to drink more coffee and be "real."

  2. They didn't have perfect teeth... but they did tuck in their shirts! We have perfect teeth... but we don't tuck in our shirts.

    Hmm... I detect a conspiracy brewing... We're the children of opposites and we have come to destroy the past!

    "It was a different world..."

    Sounds like a bad episode of the twilight zone. ;-)

  3. My boys aren't going to have perfect teeth. When orthodontia was suggested for Patrick & Jonathan I questioned the purpose and the dentist admitted that it was cosmetic,and they neither one chose to do it. We thought Andrew was going to need braces, but he may not.
