Wednesday, December 05, 2007

Stock in Band-Aid

Dry weather and chapped hands.
Carrying newspaper bundled with sharp-edged plastic cord.
Eczema and other allergic rashes.

As if I didn't have enough cuts on my hands.... Apparently, if you drop heavy dishes out of the cupboard, on top of the dirty glasses waiting to be washed, the flying glass shards will cause more blood to appear on one's hands. (Go figure!)

I don't think I've ever used as many band-aids in one day as I used in the one hour at dinnertime today. BUT there was no blood in the food, no blood spots on my shirt, and there was no blood on the laundry I was folding. Hooray for the band-aids! (The many many band-aids....)

1 comment:

  1. I have stock in Band-aids
    cause Band-aids stuck on me.'s late...I'm goofy.
