Saturday, December 08, 2007

Meat Scraps

Maggie went next door to play with the neighbor kids. The grandma sent her home with meat scraps for our cats. The kids and I looked at that little baggie of beef. We all thought it looked like very good people-food that should be stir-fried with some veggies. We're not going to eat it because we don't know if it's already been in a pet bowl, or if it's old meat, or what other reason might have caused those beautiful little chunks of beef to be labeled "pet food." But I suspect there's just a huge huge difference between us and the neighbors about what constitutes garbage.


  1. At a play group once I made the "mistake" of mentioning that I had put the entire turkey carcass in my slow cooker and then stripped it down into bits and strained off about 3 quarts of incredibly yummy nutritious stock to go into my freezer.

    One of the mommies looked at me as if I'd told her I'd eaten roadkill. :)

  2. My mother (who I remember would make stock herself) once asked me why I would bother to make turkey stock instead of just throwing the carcass into the garbage.

    Well, I don't care if we had oodles of money. Making stock from turkey bones is the only way to get turkey soup. Reeeeeal turkey soup! Ah, happiness....

  3. We had a similar experience one time when we we were at a friend's house and noticed they had the same brand of deli meat in their refrigerator that we often buy to make sandwiches at home. I don't know why we mentioned it (seems like an unimportant thing), but when we did we were told, "Oh, yeah, we buy that to feed to the dogs."

    Then there's the story my dh tells about when he was a little boy and his older sister tricked him into eating kibble by telling him it was a new type of snack.

  4. People are crazy. :) Since I'm the only one in the family with the desire to make stock from the carcass, my mom usually sends us home with about 1/3 of the meat left on the 23-25 lb turkey.

    Good stuff!!
