Monday, July 02, 2007


Pastor was talking about Jesus, sorrowing in the Garden on Maundy Thursday, and how it wasn't lack of faith, but sorrow over those who would not believe and sorrow over being separated from the Father. Likewise, Jesus wept over Jerusalem. He also wept at the tomb of Lazarus. Pastor pointed out that Jesus knew that He was about to raise Lazarus from the dead, but still He wept.

We tend to think it's good to be tough in the face of death or other grief. We talk approvingly about the widow who doesn't cry during the funeral. We want people to "get over it" quickly. But what is this mystery that Jesus, the sinless Son of God, mourned ... even when He knew that Lazarus would be reunited with Him in a few minutes? I appreciated Pastor's firm reminders that people should be allowed to grieve at their own pace, and not be told that their grief is taking too long and that they should get on with life already. Whether it's death or some other loss that devastates a person, it only makes it worse to be told that "you're taking too long to get over this."


  1. or to be left with "what is the big deal, he is ok. Right?"

    I agree Susan

  2. What a beautiful picture of how our Lord was truly Man while he was here with us.

    The knowledge that a loved one is with the Lord does not replace the warm body at your dinner table, and that space cannot ever be filled in the same way again. Such is the blessing and sorrow of being an immortal creature.
