Saturday, June 02, 2007

More About Kombucha

For more information, here's a website that lays things out pretty clearly. I would, however, be leery of their recommendation that you can use high-grade plastic. As a friend told me recently, kombucha is such a good detoxifier that it will snag toxins out of anything very well. That's good if the kombucha is getting the toxins out of your body. It's bad if the kombucha is leeching toxins out of its plastic container and then you're drinking it!

Don't keep your mushrooms, your tea while it's fermenting, or your bottled tea in anything plastic, or anything with a non-stick coating, or in aluminum. Try to stick with glass or a pyrex bowl or possibly stainless steel. I noticed even when I was storing the kombucha in a glass jar with a canning jar lid that the lid would get "eaten into" by the kombucha sitting below it.

Also, it seems to me that it would be good to use only organic tea. But I know not everyone does. And I use good water, run through our reverse-osmosis system.

Because kombucha is a detoxifier, some people experience adverse reactions at first. Some people decide to do a cleanse first and then continue with kombucha. Others just start small with the kombucha: a tablespoon or two a day for a month or so, and then increasing the amount slowly. And then there are people like us who had no problems diving in and drinking it.

I don't like drinking the mushrooms. I don't have a clue as to whether it's good for you or not. But they're slimy and I don't like them in my glass. When I open a bottle and pour it into a glass, you can hear the plop if a mushroom goes into the glass. I fish it out with a fork. My husband, however, has not been so opposed to the mushroom once he heard about Pastor T's dog (which likes to dig the mushrooms out of the compost pile) having the thickest and shiniest coat of fur of all the dogs in the neighborhood.


  1. I just got a picture of your husband with a thick shiny fur coat, except on the top of his head. :)

  2. But Jane, he already HAS a thick shiny fur coat everywhere else. It's the top of his head that he's hoping will join in!
