Tuesday, May 29, 2007


I remember when, as a child, my mom told me that the "poor pastor's family" could only afford one 8-pack of Pepsi a week. I pitied them. I remember when, as a child, my dad would tell me that (in days of yore) two or three people would have to split a 16-oz Pepsi, and that having a whole 12-oz can to myself was more than enough. Then I pitied myself.

Now I'm one of those moms who buys pop, but we usually only have it 2-3 times a month. There's still something reminiscent in me that wants cola with potato soup or clam chowder, like we had back at home when I was younger. Besides being expensive, pop is full of all sorts of chemicals and sweetener. I am convinced that sugar is better for a person's body than the Equal and Nutrisweet. But pop isn't even made with sugar: it has super-refined high-fructose corn syrup. ("High fructose corn syrup." My children have learned that those words on a label will often get a product banned from my grocery cart.)

If I didn't have enough reasons to avoid the substance, my husband ran across an article on Drudge Report about research on pop. They have found that it messes with DNA. Good grief! I like a decaf Pepsi now and then, but I'm beginning to think pop is a plague on our country as bad as cigarettes. (Which does NOT mean they should be regulated by the government. That's a whole 'nuther issue!)

I almost feel like a drug dealer, passing on leftover pop to Nathan and Justin after the wedding.

I sure do love my kombucha. After learning to enjoy it, after coming to crave it, AND after learning its health benefits, I just don't find much enjoyment in pop anymore. I am going to have to get around to posting kombucha instructions on my website.

(Wisconsites -- including my children -- can just substitute the word "soda" for every "pop" in this post, and chill out about the Illinois girl. Okay?)


  1. Have you tried the raspberry drink on page 586 of NT? It is really good. I have not made it myself yet, but I have everything but the oranges on hand to make it right now.

  2. It sure sounds good. My problem, though, is that it sounds like it would cost $2/pint or more, whereas the kombucha is costing me $0.25/pint. I should try the beet kvass, but it's not something I've gotten around to. Brewing and bottling kombucha is just part of the daily routine.

  3. There's always "Kosher for Passover" Coke, made with sugar, not corn syrup.


  4. We've got major tolerance problems with high-fructose cr@p syrup. Horrid stuff. I've gotten to the point where I can *almost* taste the difference between real sugar and corn syrup - I think it's one of the reasons homemade ice cream tastes better!

  5. Awww, now I can't finish the Diet Pepsi I was drinking ;P

    I admit it, I'm an addict. I know it's bad for me and I've made sure my kids don't drink it, but I'm still not at the point where I can stop yet without getting major headaches and being very grumpy. In that way I think your right about it being a plague.

  6. Hey, Miss Elephant. You live in central Illinois, you don't like corn syrup, and you don't like ethanol. You better keep those things secret or they'll run you out of town on a rail!

    Kim, what you said about the headaches and grumpiness .... yup. Rachel would get herself unhooked, but then go back to it. When she finally succeeded, she weaned herself off slowly -- like over the course of 3-4 months. Now, Nathan (upon whom I foisted leftover Dr Pepper from the wedding) is hooked and gets headaches when he doesn't drink enough.

    It's so much easier to feed them when they're little and you control everything that goes into their mouths!

  7. I grew up drinking pop (down in Texas we called it all "Coke" whether it was Coke or Sprite or Dr. Pepper, etc.) but I had children quit buying it because I didn't want to pass on my bad habit. So we haven't bought it by the liter or 6-pack for years. But every now and then--maybe a few times a month--I sneak away to indulge in a little Dr. Pepper break. Still, I guess I shouldn't be too proud of kicking that addiction since I have replaced it with a new one (coffee)! At least coffee doesn't have the high fructose stuff and the carbonation. And I drink it with sugar!

  8. I do not like beer so I don't know if I would like the fermented drink. I did taste it at Sandy's house but I'm not sure if I could get used to it. I once went 6 mos without any sugar (or h.f.c.s.). Boy did I feel good. Now I'm back to my old nasty habits of drinking pop(also an Ohio term) everyday. It is decaf and also diet do I don't even know why I drink it....maybe for the effervescence?
