Tuesday, May 29, 2007


A few years back, my husband and I decided to invite one of the old guys in the congregation over for an afternoon of dinner and poker lessons. Neither he nor I knew how to play poker, and we had kids who needed to learn. (See? See? Homeschoolers can find ways to "fill in the gaps"!) There was a bit of amusement in his voice and a twinkle in his eye as he clarified: "You want me to come teach the pastor's family how to play WHAT?"

Turned out I didn't like poker.

Today the kids were playing. A cry of disgust went up from Heidi: "But I had two pair! And you had NOTHING!" It seems a certain scammer replaced none of his cards on the second draw and bet a whole lot of chips. Heidi folded. She would've whooped 'em all.

And that's why I don't like poker. It's much more about bluffing, scamming, and lying than it is about strategy or statistics. Give me a math puzzle any day rather than mind-games.

1 comment:

  1. You're right. When the Mumme family was all together and they were teaching me poker and at the end of the hand I wanted to know what they had, they wouldn't show me. I tried to tell them then that it was all about bluffing, not about what you have in your hand. They argued, but I still believe it, and don't like poker because I want to actually *learn* a game, not just bluff my way through. ;-)
