Thursday, May 31, 2007

Kombucha Stains

Just want to mention that kombucha stains. Not like tea, but worse. I have noticed that if I splash some kombucha onto the cloth cover while I'm carrying the jar from the kitchen to the quiet & cool fermentation spot in the basement, the stain will be significant. I used to get spots on my light-colored shirts if I splashed a bit while bottling. The only thing that would get them out was my bleach-milk combo. I've also discovered that, once my bottles have been filled and sealed, I need to rinse them under cool tap water. Otherwise I'll get tiny drops of kombucha on my shirt when I carry the pile of bottles, and those stains are stubborn!


  1. Thats what aprons are for Susan!

    All my shirts have stains on the tummy. I really try to wear an apron every day, cause I"m such a mess.

  2. Hi Susan
    Can you please share the ratio of bleach & milk combo? We have some kombucha stains on the carpet turned brown. Thanks a lot. Xx Kirsty

  3. Hi, Kirsty. What I use is equal parts of bleach and milk. The higher the fat content in the milk, the better.

    This is not a safe concoction -- it could really ruin something, so it makes me a little nervous to think that you're trying it on a carpet. I only use the bleach+milk when I figure something is ruined any. If it's beyond use and can't be saved, I have nothing to risk if I use the bleach.

    But if you decide to give it a try (and test it in an inconspicuous area) you should know that the chemical reaction lasts only for a few minutes. You can't make a bunch of the mix and have it last. You have to make it right before you use it.

    The other thing I'm concerned with for using it on carpet is that I always RINSE THOROUGHLY after using the bleach+milk. I scrub the stain out and then rinse immediately, even if the item is headed directly into the washer ... because that bleach shouldn't sit on the cloth for even a couple of minutes.

    Good luck with your stains!

  4. I stained our natural fiber rug :( it looks like a bleach spot!! Any ideas how to help?

  5. I wish I had some ideas. "Resolve" does really well on some of my bad carpet spots, but I don't know that I've ever tried it on a kombucha spill. Good luck!
