Friday, February 19, 2010

A Change in Peter

Do you remember the story in Luke 8 and Mark 4, where the disciples' boat was caught in a storm, and Jesus was sleeping through it all? The men accused Him of not caring about them: He was snoozing instead of being panic-driven and frantically helping them save their ship.

Do you remember the story in Acts 12, where Herod executed James and discovered that it pleased the Jews? He decided to earn more brownie-points with the Jews by killing Peter too. But while Peter was in jail, awaiting his death, an angel came and released him. We read:
Constant prayer was offered to God for Peter by the Church. And when Herod was about to bring him out, that night Peter was sleeping, bound with two chains between two soldiers,...

Peter is sleeping. He is on death row, and he's sleeping. He is no longer panic-driven and frantic in the face of death. Now he's looking more like Jesus, trusting in the Father though the circumstances bode ill.

Entrust your days and burdens
to God's almighty hand.
He cares for you while ruling
the sky, the sea, the land.
For He who guides the tempests
along their thunderous ways
will find for you a pathway
and guide you all your days.

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