Thursday, June 05, 2008

Call Day

When there aren't enough calls to go around when it comes time for placing the graduates of the seminary, that's gotta be pretty discouraging for the guys considering sem. I can't even imagine what it must be like to transplant your family, give up your career, sell your home, take on student debts, and then find after 4-5 years of school that you're not going to be a pastor after all.

1 comment:

  1. Most of them have gotten calls by now.

    And if not most, at least half- or at least... everyone I personally know who didn't get one now has one.

    'Has one' being the quasi-physical having one of knowing you have one, but not actually being allowed to know you have one because you haven't actually received it yet through the proper divine channels.

    Tis an odd system. ;)

    Petersen had a great post on why they didn't get them as well.
    (that's all one line)

    And this by Petersen/Stiegemeyer was helpful too.

    Anyway, we who are called to preach a theology of the cross find the rubber meets the road when you're faced to live it. As bad as I feel for these guys (and may well be feeling for myself in 3 years)- it's ultimately for their/our good. It forces us to stop looking to ourself and our synod, and instead look to God. He'll provide shepherds for His harvest. He'll provide for even us wayward seminarians.
