Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Dishes Fairy

With the dish-drainer still back at the old house, I've been having problems washing dishes. Then I discovered that I could use the dishwasher to stack wet clean dishes so as to let them dry. But today we did something wild and crazy. We put the dinner dishes in the dishwasher still dirty [gasp!] and then later put the supper dishes in there too. We put in the soap, closed the door, pushed the magic button, and headed to church for Lenten service. And when we came home....
the dishes fairy had come and made everything clean.
Pretty nifty!

1 comment:

  1. Oh I love the dish fairy! :-) ANd btw, don't ever forget that it can be used as the clean dish holder - especially when you have a huge crowd over and lots of dishes to wash. Or it can be used as a quick "hide the dirty dishes company is coming" spot. Just don't forget them and then decide to run it with items that shouldn't be in there! LOL
