Wednesday, December 12, 2007

1 Thessalonians 5:3

Then sudden destruction comes upon them, as labor pains upon a pregnant woman.

Men just don't get this.
Pastor was talking about it in Bible class the other day. Everything he said was true and good and right. But being a man, he missed a major point.

When a woman is pregnant, she thinks she will always be pregnant. Her mind knows better -- the baby WILL be born sometime in the next couple of weeks. Her logic knows how it all works. Nobody has ever seen a woman wandering around who has been pregnant for the last 57 months ... or 57 years. Sometimes women will say, "This baby will never come." Men think it's hyperbole. Men think she just trying to express her feeeelings. Men think that statement is about frustration.

It's not.

There's something deep inside that cannot fathom the change. Even though your mind knows better. Even though history has proved that the baby WILL be born. Still, a woman's KNOWS that nothing is going to change and that the travail will never start and that that big belly is going to be there forever. It's frustrating as all-get-out when your mind knows how stupid that is. But that doesn't change your "reality" that the baby is never going to be born.

THAT is one of the points in comparing the Last Day to the arrival of a baby. Paul might've been making the point with regard to the suddenness, or the danger. But there's also that other aspect that is known only by women who've been overdue.


  1. Not to mention that as soon as that first real contraction hits, all the discomforts of the minute before (interminable and intolerable as they seemed) now look really, really preferable!

  2. Well, don't harp on men too much, a man did write the text.
