Wednesday, December 12, 2007

Fashion Sense

Was I supposed to have some? I thought the reason for my existence was for fashion photographers to take pictures of me and put me on the "Don't" page, across from Bethany on the "Do" page.

Wearing jeans underneath your dress is not stylish. But your legs don't get cold!

Wearing jeans under your dress, and outfitting your feet in wool socks and Birkenstock sandals is entirely dorky. But my legs aren't cold, my feet aren't cold, and my bunions don't hurt.

And who knows? Maybe I'll end up famous, in a magazine with my face fuzzed-over to conceal my identity.


  1. They do make lovely cotton tights for grown-ups, too. You were just born on the wrong continent. I think you're a Swede or Finn at heart. :)

  2. I thought you looked cute. ;o)
