Friday, October 19, 2007

Tagged (Sevens)

The tag-game running around [ha ha!] the blogs these days is to tell seven true things about yourself. Laura and Melynda and an amusing one tagged me. And now I
1) have to think of seven things, (ooooh, the brain strain!) and
2) come up with taggees. It seems like most of the homeschoolers have been tagged, so I'm going try tagging Kirken and Emily and Erin, and the youngsters: Liz, Anthea, Katie, Rachel, Cassie. (Shhhh. 3+5=7. Shhhhh. Yes, it does. This is a tag meme about sevens. I can do the New Math if I wanna!!!)

The rules of this are:
1. Link the person who has tagged you.
2. Tell seven true things about yourself.
3. Tag seven new people.
4. Leave a message with the person you have tagged so they know about it.

1) I cannot remember the color of my toothbrush. Old age and fading memory make it hard enough to figure out which toothbrush is mine. Buuut having to keep track of TWO toothbrushes, annnd having their colors change every six months (luck of the draw in what the dental hygienist hands me in my goodie-bag), that's just too much. So I have a pony-tail band wrapped around the handle of one toothbrush to distinguish. On the other, I've marked my initial with a black Sharpie, but I have to re-ink the initial every few weeks.

2) I have friends (couples and widows) and family members who are DOWNsizing to retirement condos larger than the house I live in with five other people. And I didn't even think our house was that small.

3) The first time I got called "ma'am" was in 7th or 8th grade. Because I was so tall, the saleslady knew that no kid could be possibly that height, so I was called "ma'am" instead of "miss" or "hey, kid." I suppose "freaky tall-person" may have worked just as well.

4) I don't recall ever hanging pictures of boys in my bedroom as a teen. If that memory is correct (which is definitely not a sure thing -- see item #1), then my first "pin-up boy" was a picture of David Scaer from a CTS calendar about 4-5 years ago. I liked that lively picture so much that I didn't change the month on the calendar for the rest of the year, and I lobbied to get that particular classroom-photo used in one of his books. (I doubt my begging worked, though.)

5. I used to be a gymnast. It is hard for a very very tall person (see item #3) to fit the required number of backflips into a pass on the diagonal of the floor-exercise mat, without falling off the edge of the mat and crashing into the spectators' seats. And you had to screw and screw and screw the knobs forEVER to adjust the parallel bars to be big enough (far apart enough and high enough) for me to circle the bar without smashing my head into the other bar or the floor.

6. I'm more used to white noise than I thought. I had to sleep at a friend's house the other night. They have bedrooms upstairs. The noise of the quietness throbbed loudly. No refrigerator motor cycling. No noise of dehumidifiers running in the basement. No cats thumping through the house. No traffic passing. No computer fans. Even the sound of constant wind was missing.

7. I don't know how to relax and play any more. Except by watching tv. I only know how to work feverishly. This is not a good thing.


  1. Rats, I just came over here to tag you but someone beat me to it :0

    But as long as I'm here, I must ask, who ever heard of saving money at church by reducing the number of times per month Holy Communion is offered?????

    You must be an incredibly patient person.

  2. >>Rats, I just came over here to tag you

    LOL! That's why I didn't even bother to try looking for people who hadn't been tagged. Too many were, and I didn't want to hunt up the ones still waiting. So I went outside the box, and hit up the kids. Of course, I tagged so many of them in one group that they'll have no one left to tag....

  3. "then my first "pin-up boy" was a picture of David Scaer from a CTS calendar about 4-5 years ago."


  4. Come visit me. I can help you remember how to relax and play. I could use some of both, too.
