Friday, October 19, 2007


If somebody ran a marathon on Saturday, it'd be goofy to try to go cut and haul firewood the next day. If somebody had been sick and feverish for a few days, nobody would expect them to pop up and dive into housework. Then why am I foolish enough to tax my brain to the uttermost, wear myself out, and expect myself to be able to think today? I keep thinking that brains are different from muscles, though. Maybe... no reasonably intelligent brain would expect an exhausted brain to be able to teach physics, or even figure out what to make for dinner. Ah, but maybe I've pinpointed the problem -- an exhausted brain may be incapable of analyzing the self-exhaustedness of itself?

I'm gonna go make pizza.
I bet I'll have a hard time figuring out how high I should set the temp on the oven.


  1. Repeat after me: the sauce goes first, THEN the cheese....


  2. Managed not to burn the crust. AND managed to get the cheese on top of the sauce. It was good, almost as good as the pizza my son makes. Nevertheless, throughout most of the day, whenever I try to figure something out, there's one over-riding picture before my eyes.

    The egg.
    The skillet.
    "This is your brain."
    "This is your brain on drugs."
    So, this is my brain on editing??? sizzle-sizzle-sputter-sizzle
