Wednesday, September 26, 2007

Restaurant Demographics

We had library books due, and the propane tank still hadn't shown up by dinner-time Tuesday. So we decided to splurge and go out to eat. We chose Old Country Buffet because of the variety and the amount of fruits and veggies... and because we still had a little credit left on a gift-card from Christmas a few years ago.

11:30 a.m. on a weekday. The place was FULL of senior citizens. There were a few people our age, all of them Hispanic. Not a blond in the restaurant anywhere: just our brown hair, the black of the other young people, and lots and lots of gray. Not only that, but we had children there, outside the confines of school. What on earth was the matter with us, out in the middle of the day, crashing the seniors' restaurant??? LOL!

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