Wednesday, September 05, 2007

No Other Gods

It may be a humongous pain to have no way to dispose of water from your house. But it's way way better than not having water at all. As long as there's a potty nearby, you can take a walk to borrow a toilet. There are even porta-potties available to rent, should the weather become cold enough that you don't want to go for a walk to use the potty. There are laundromats to wash your clothes. And as long as you have a well that is operative, you can get drinking water and cooking water.

Sometimes we laugh in amazement at the Old Testament Israelites. Tempted to worship WHAT? A statue that they made for themselves out of gold? How dumb is that? Enticed into worshipping a totem pole? How could they be so idiotic?

And yet ...
one of my gods is my well and my plumbing. (Definition of "god": that which you need to be happy, and without which, life is just not okay.) Now, how totally stupid is THAT -- to have workable plumbing as a god? Certainly no better than a golden calf!

1 comment:

  1. You're not the first to consider this- isn't there a slang term, "praying to the porcelain god" and isn't it sometimes called a "throne?"

    :)Minor annoyances are never minor, are they?
