Saturday, August 25, 2007

Waiting for Synod-Wide Consensus?

Some people think that it is wrong for pastors to commune children prior to end of eighth grade. The most common practice in our church body is to confirm kids at that age, and some people think no one should deviate from that because it causes "disunity" and an uncomfortable feeling for the pastors who are asked about communing a 10-yr-old visitor or transfer.

Lex orandi, lex credendi.
What we pray is what we believe.
Likewise, what we practice influences what we believe.

The practice of confirming/communing children at such a late age has influenced what we believe about worthiness and readiness and discernment. Some pastors come to realize the harm in waiting so long to commune children who yearn to receive the Supper. Should they wait until they have synodical approval to commune 10-yr-olds or 7-yr-olds? How could these pastors even be heard when most of their brothers have come to believe that it's necessary to be 14 (or older) before being capable of being "worthy"? And as the current practice continues, it continues to influence people to accept the error that the Supper is merited by achieving a certain level of education in theology.

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