Friday, August 24, 2007

Big, Bad, Scary Neighbors

Last night Gary and I watched To Kill a Mockingbird. I had an ADD attack and noticed something that's somewhat beside-the-point in the movie: the kids had a big, bad, scary neighbor who wasn't really bad.

When I was little, we had a neighbor across the street that scared all the kids. We were afraid to walk on the sidewalk in front of her house. Some of the kids said she was a witch. I can't remember if she ever actually came out and yelled at any of us or threatened any of us, but we were convinced that she would. I was afraid of getting hit by her broom. Because of the fear factor, it was considered the height of bravery among the children to go do something pesty to her -- like walking on the sidewalk by her house AND making a lot of noise while you did.

I asked Gary if he had neighbors who had a similar reputation. He did.

Is this something common to childhood? Or maybe it WAS common to childhood. My kids grew up without neighbors (for the most part) so there was nobody to be frightened of. It could be that children are allowed outside on their own so little these days, and they have so few friends in the neighborhood these days, and even grown-ups know their neighbors so little these days, that maybe such fears are confined to a bygone era.

But now I wonder if those big, bad, scary neighbors were just nice, normal people who were annoyed by children stealing their apples or berries, or throwing rocks at their roof. Maybe the big, bad, scary neighbors weren't unreasonable at all, but just gained the reputation. I don't know. I guess I'm wondering if I'll grow up to be a big, bad, scary neighbor myself.


  1. Growing up, our neighborhood had a group of boys we endearing called "the bad boys." Likely, they were just acting like boys which can be very annoying to neighborhood girls, except when you need them for a game or to get rid of bugs or something truly important. I cannot remember them doing anything wrong, but we did call them "the bad boys." Maybe it is childhood.

  2. *I* am the big bad scary neighbor around here. :( I've been known to tell high school kids to stop swearing in front of my Dd, to ask grade school boys, "Does your Mom know you're doing that?"

    Oh, well. Someone's got to be the parent.

    When I was growing up, it was Old Man Daniel across the street. NO ONE messed with Old Man Daniel.
