Saturday, May 26, 2007

Matthew 25:37

Lord, when did we see You hungry and feed You, or thirsty and give You drink?

In a recent discussion in Bible class, Pastor pointed out that verse 34 has several indications that salvation is by grace, not by works. However, many Christians point to verses 35-36 to emphasize the importance of good works. It is interesting that in verse 37 the Christians are bewildered as to when they did these good works that Jesus refers to. Why don't the righteous know what He's talking about? Why are they unaware of having done these good deeds?

Because they weren't paying any attention to their works! Their eyes were on Jesus only!

Why did the sheep do these good works? Because the object of their worship is Christ. They didn't think about their good works. They weren't trying to do good works. They weren't doing anything but focusing on Jesus and His mercy. When there is true faith in Christ, there is never even a hint of self-righteousness or patting ourselves on the back for the things we have done.

True faith in the Good Shepherd does not look at its own works at all! Rather, it believes that its works are filthy rags. Insofar as there is true faith, there is no reliance on works at all. Not even like this: "I know works don't save me, but they flow from faith. They are works of love done in faith. But you really need to do more of those works." Most of that is true: works don't save; works do flow from faith; they are done from love. BUT there is NEVER any navel-gazing when there are true good works. Like Luther said, "Faith is a busy and active thing. Before it is even told what to do, it has already gone out and done it."

For the Christian, the focus of faith is always IN CHRIST. A Christian will look at this list in Matthew 25 and realize that Jesus is the One who has done all those works, and He has done them for us. What He has done for us then manifests itself in His sheep, but it is the natural outgrowth of what He has done. Lutherans are often accused of denying good works. That's not true. We even say that good works are necessary. But the necessity is found in the necessity of faith, because if there IS faith in Him, then there will be works of love. So what we need in this life is to constantly be brought to repentance and the renewal of FAITH. Wherever faith is renewed, Christ will bring forth His fruit.

And thus ends the synopsis of Bible class.

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