Wednesday, May 23, 2007


The neighbor came over and told us that her daughter has chickenpox. So, immune-depressed little girl at my house spent the 2-3 days previous to the pox-breakout playing with her friend next door. She's due to break out just in time for (friend) Ethan's graduation party. And any big brothers in the house who catch it from her will be due to break out just in time for catechetical symposium. Well, at least we don't have a vacation or a surgery scheduled during this incubation time.


  1. What is the incubation period?

  2. Normally 14 days, but can vary from 12 to 17. But you're not contagious until about two days before the pox break out. So you and the cousins are safe. Nobody here will be contagious until the next weekend, Wedn at the earliest.

  3. Okay, so can we come over next weekend???


  4. Oh Good - maybe I can expose some of my kids at cCA? I have three or four just waiting for this childhood experience. ;-)
