Friday, March 30, 2007

Infant Communion

My husband tells me there's an interesting discussion going on over on Pr Petersen's blog. I'd love to go look, but laundry and cooking call. Looking forward to reading later.

How can it be that I have accomplished so much nothing today? Okay, Maggie and I did some schoolwork. And we have a nice dinner: stroganoff over noodles, hot fresh whole-wheat bread (with homemade peach jam), roasted carrots, and homemade banana cream pie. I sure do like eating, but sometimes I wonder if I oughtn't be doing something else with my time other than cooking.


  1. And here I am reading blogs and I have no idea what I'm feeding my family for supper. I'm being very selfish. (Just for a little while longer.)

    I was just over at Pr. Petersen's blog. The discussion is interesting. I have lots of comments I want to make, just not sure if I should jump in the path of ordained men in conversation. It's much too interesting just observing. :o)


  2. PS - supper sounds delicious. Much like what we had last night, sans the pie. Oh that sounds yummy!


  3. Hey, Melanie, if ya wanna, you could make comments here, and I could turn on "comment moderation" so that the conversation doesn't go wild and convoluted. Y'know, I could just put the brakes on the conversation, and cull out any name-calling. But we little mommies could have our own private little conversation here and let the pastors hash it out over on Pr Petersen's blog.

  4. I'd love that. I'll share some thoughts tomorrow. I need to get to bed now, but I'll mull things over while I'm drifting off to sleep and post a few comments in the morning. All I can say now is I am so confused over this issue. What I would really like is for my children to be able to commune with me NOW. But, as in most other churches, they must wait until they are confirmed. Fortunately, our children will be confirmed earlier than some others because our congregation confirms at age 12/13 or 7th grade. Still not good enough for me, since my 5 year old would be worthy of receiving Holy Communion according to the standard of being able to recite the "three parts"and to identify what she receives in the sacrament. My oldest understood at age 4 and finally quit asking when he could go to communion when he was 7. He'll be confirmed in a year.

    I find I feel a bit uncomfortable with idea of infant communion, but I'm not wholly opposed to it. I have a conflict with reserving the sacraments for certain "faith demographics". It seems, from the discussion on Pr. Peterson's blog, that even our church fathers couldn't agree on the issue. So what do we do?

    So much for a quick thought. Time for bed. I'll be back in the morning.
