Friday, December 19, 2008

Birthday Dinner

In a convenient confluence of dates, it just so happens that two wonderful men (with absolutely wonderful wives) happen to have birthdays just a day or so apart from mine. Two years ago we celebrated together at a rib restaurant. Last year Gary and I were too wiped out from life to even think of celebrating. This year I hoped to spend the birthday money from my mommy & daddy at a nearby restaurant with an awesome atmosphere and blow-ya-away food. Happily, it turns out that Kathy has been wanting to visit this restaurant for thirty years ... no, no, I know you don't believe she could've wanted anything for 30 years, but believe it or not, we are that old.

Laura and I forgot our cameras, but Kathy remembered, and here's what she got:


  1. Happy Birthday!
    It brings me joy to see all of you smiling and having a wonderful time.

  2. Thanks for sharing the pics! And happy birthday to all!
