Tuesday, June 17, 2008

The Roast

In an attempt to get some barbecue made today so that we'd have something real to eat at the end of the week in between sessions at the symposium, yesterday I took a chuck roast out of the freezer to thaw overnight. When I grabbed it off the counter this morning to put into the crockpot, I noticed something scribbled on the white paper wrapped around the roast. I assumed the butcher had hand-written somebody's name on the meat, but I couldn't figure out why someone else's meat would've gotten mixed up with our side of beef.

Then I got it.
"Roast" was crossed out. "Norris" was written in.

Chuck Roast Norris.

I knew that came from one of my sons.
I live with weird people!!!


  1. This is funny! I like the sense of humor of whomever crossed out "roast" and put "Norris" in it's place!

  2. My Andrew is cracking up. :) I just love your boys.

  3. Reminds me of when I helped mom freeze corn one summer while home from college. As she filled the freezer bags, I wiped them, closed them, and labeled them. But instead of just writing "corn," I wrote things like this instead, "comes out whole when kids don't chew it" or "there's more than this in Indiana." All through the winter when Mom took out packages she laughed, thought of me and called me.

    See you this evening! :-)
