Tuesday, August 28, 2007


The sand was really wet at the beach on Saturday. Almost no one was there, including the life-guards. I wanted to spend my time there doing some paperwork while Maggie played in the water. So I plunked myself down on the [dry!] concrete base of the life-guard stand.

After working for about 10 minutes, a couple showed up. They too wanted to use the base of the life-guard stand, so that their towels didn't end up wet before they were even used. But then they sat down and started talking. Loudly. Only 6' from me. He had a piercing voice and was intent on convincing her to become one of his salesman. He was passionate (and vocal) about how great his business was.

Y'know, it's really hard to concentrate on grammar and punctuation and the nuances of particular words and how they're put together, when somebody is so intent on talking about window wells and how to increase the numbers of people who recognize that his window wells are superior to any others available. So later, when I got home, Gary asked how much I'd accomplished. I told him my pitiful tale of woe about not making much progress on my editing. (Hey, at least I got to watch the sailboats and look at the pretty lake!)

So yesterday, something happened which cauesd Gary to make an allusion to Someone who interrupted and chattered on and on endlessly so that I was unable to get my work done. And a certain young girl piped up from the next room, "You're talking about me."

I wasn't sure whether to laugh or cry. Ended up laughing. I guess maybe she actually does realize how much she interrupts, after all. Now, to work on controling it....

1 comment:

  1. Susan,

    Sure wish we lived closer! Now that Kelsey has gone to college, I'd love the company of a young lady for a few hours each week.

