Friday, March 23, 2007

Stay-at-Home Moms

Having always been a stay-at-home mom, even when I had part-time jobs here and there, I never experienced the difference it makes in a person's lifestyle, attitude, health, income, etc. My friend Elizabeth posted some really great stuff about her life in the corporate world and her decision to run away from it and find a life at home. It's encouraging to those of us who take our at-home lives for granted and wonder if maybe it wouldn't be so bad to go out there and play the career game. Things like what Elizabeth wrote bring some sound perspective to such silly notions.

1 comment:

  1. I love the fact that I am a stay-at-home mom and not looking forward to having to go back to work this summer. I am just happy that the Lord has given me the opportunity to be with the boys until the youngest will be in school full time. I never planned on really going back to work but the Lord had other plans for us and is sending DH to university and the seminary so I can't argue with that. :-) Plus DH will be home everyday now so he will be around to help out when the boys come home from school. What a change the Lord has in store for us this coming fall.
