Saturday, September 16, 2006

Does Nathan Count?

While a nurse's aide was trying to insert an IV yesterday, she was attempting to engage my daughter in conversation to distract her. She asked about school, and what grade she was in, and what books she liked, and if she had any siblings. When the lady asked, "So how many brothers and sisters do you have?" Maggie was stumped.

This confused the nurse. The IV-victim should not be stumped! After all, most kids know how many brothers or sisters they have. It's an easy question.

But not for Maggie. Finally she said, "Well, I have two sisters. And three or four brothers." The IV-lady was puzzled. But it all became clear to me when Maggie leaned over and whispered to me, "Does Nathan count?"

I guess, at Children's Hospital, they don't run across many patients with brothers-in-law. :-)

1 comment:

  1. sounds predictably maggie-like.
    i'm praying for everything, by the by. say hello to the fam.
