Saturday, June 29, 2013

Mnemonic Device for the Gospel Responses

"Praise to You, O Lord"?
"Glory be to Thee, O .... Christ???  Lord???  What IS the word?"

When I was little, I could never keep it straight.  And I've noticed there are lots of people who have the same problem.

The S goes in the same response.  "Praise" goes with "Christ."
Praise be to Thee, O Christ.

The OR goes in the same response.  "Glory" goes with "Lord."
Glory to You, O Lord. 


  1. I do the same thing except it's "l" goes with "glory" and "lord".

  2. Yep, I use the L in gLory and Lord!

  3. I do it with the vowels. "i" in one, "o" in the other.
