Sunday, October 24, 2010

Writing a Resume

Checking out of our local library recently, I noticed the poster that said they're hiring. Although I need income, I haven't been looking too hard for a job, seeing as how I already have a job teaching the kids. But I've kept my eyes open, just in case the perfect job pops up.

And this is it! The hours don't interfere with chapel or church or choir. The job is in a building filled with [get this...] BOOKS. [Be still my heart!] The pay is decent; the hours are enough to make a difference to our budget but not too much to prevent all my frugality measures of cooking and gardening. It's the kind of job that requires attention to detail, organizing books and labels, and other tasks that fit my personality well and that I'm good at. It's close enough to bike, or even to walk if absolutely necessary. And the 'customers' are my neighbors who have willingly come to learn something! How cool is that?!?

So this week I've been learning about resumés and cover letters. It's so hard to tout yourself; I think the traits the employer is looking for should be taken for granted. I mean, it's a sad commentary on society that an employer has to specifically state that employees should have a strong work ethic and be friendly to the customers. So I need to find a way to get across to potential employers that I'm the kind of employee that they will be thrilled they hired. How do I know which desirable characteristics are the ones to list, and which good characteristics must go unmentioned? If I'm brutally harsh in my self-evaluation and still recognize that this is a job I'll be superb at, how do I differentiate myself from the people who think they're marvelous at everything and say so in order that they might win the "pick me! pick me!" game.


  1. Make the points of your resume directly reflect the job requirements listed in the listing. Don't go for all encompassing awesomeness, focus it to the traits they state they want. It makes it easier for them to see how you fit into that specific job.

    One of my 'job search coaches,' for lack of a better term, said to even layout an additional page you give them in your interview with the job listing broken out into columns with each point having a specific example from your experience to how it fits.

    I hope that's helpful...

  2. I have no experience in looking for a job - as the last application I filled out was in 1958. Went for an interview, was hired, and worked for 37 years. Ah, the good old days! :) I do wish you luck. Sounds perfect for you! Go sell yourself!

  3. Having recently been through the whole job hunting thing, don't list too many qualifications if the job doesn't require them. If the education level the job wants is a high school diploma then don't list anything above unless you really think more education would make them more apt to hire you.

    The career center in the area had me make out a "dumb" resume in order to get a job. Only when I started using the dumbed down version did I start getting calls back for interviews.

    Also, don't forget to include your volunteer work!
