Tuesday, December 09, 2008

Come, Lord Jesus

I'm not in the mood for Christmas and hanging up lights and finding a place in the [crowded] new house for a Christmas tree. Oh, and doing the grocery shopping is about all the crowd-fighting and money-spending I can handle; I don't want to do gift shopping too.

And it's been snowing and cloudy a lot.

So there is something absolutely wonderful and comforting about the versicles for Advent.

Every morning at Matins we pray:
Praise to You, O Christ, King who comes to save us.

And then Pastor proclaims,
Behold, the Lord comes to save us.
And we respond,
Oh, come, let us worship Him (and continue with the Venite).

And nearly every day,
at the beginning of Evening Prayer,
and at the start of the sermon or Bible class,
we pray,

The Spirit and the Church cry out,
Come, Lord Jesus.
All those who await His appearance pray,
Come, Lord Jesus.
The whole creation pleads,
Come, Lord Jesus.

This is the Christmas preparation that I can handle.


  1. Know that you are not alone in this struggle, Susan. God's peace to you. COME, LORD JESUS!

  2. I am with you totally! Today I got up in the attic, got out the tree, a wreath, and the socks Jane made, ONLY! Our wordly preperation is done. Now in my heart it is "Come Lord Jesus".
