Friday, May 02, 2008


Y'know, when there's "too much to do," sometimes you can keep your head on straight and just keep plugging away at the responsibilities. You may never whittle down the to-do list. Items may be added to the list faster than they're taken off.

But then there comes a point that the jobs and responsibilities pile up SO much faster that it seems entirely pointless to even try. And then any motivation to keep plugging away just flies right out the window. After all, if hard work doesn't pay off and things are still falling apart all around you, why put in the effort at all?

1 comment:

  1. I can empathize with your thoughts here... seems an endless treadmill of things to do always awaits us and we'd just like to get off for awhile.

    Give yourself a break if you think you can as all that stuff will be waiting for you afterwards and perhaps with some rest and a different perspective (rest can do that to us) you'll be able to tackle the things with more vigor.

    In any event, I'll be praying for you!

