Monday, June 25, 2007

Job Hunting

Seems like everybody is looking for jobs. Two daughters are applying for jobs in their new towns. One son-in-law is still waiting to hear back on a job that he is hoping is a sure thing. And one son is considering using his next couple of weeks (while the plant is shut down temporarily for lack of work) to job hunt up in the city. While some of us have more to do than can possibly be taken care of, my kids are getting bored!

There's a lot of the traditional frustration with not being able to get a job without experience. And "needing" to have the college degree to do a job for which they were eminently qualified by the time they graduated from high school. The new-fangled online way of applying for jobs doesn't even give a person a chance to make a good impression by how she's dressed or her interpersonal skills on meeting the boss.

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