Thursday, December 07, 2006

Trumpet Job

Skimming the Shopper paper tonight, looking for cut-your-own Christmas-tree farms, I noticed a help-wanted ad. There's a factory in our county seat that makes brass instruments. Right now, they're looking for a trumpet player and a trombone player. The trumpet tester is a full-time job with benefits. The trombone tester could be part-time or full-time. Now, how many musicians consider a job like that? Usually musicians want to play in an orchestra, or teach music, or have their own band. But here's a job testing new instruments, playing music all day, just to make sure the instrument works after it's manufactured. It sounds fun!


  1. My lips hurt just thinkin about it!

    8 hours!


  2. Oh, I never thought of that, Scott! I can't get sound out of anything brass. I thought I was just not figuring it out, until finally someone told me a few years ago that the shape of my lips just doesn't work well for brass.

    Yeah, with a job like that, you might go home each night with very buzzed lips!

  3. If only they were hiring woodwinds!!
