Wednesday, October 11, 2006


I put the chicken in to broil for dinner about 10 minutes ago. And now I'm smelling "church." This is weird. I wonder if there's rosemary in incense. My kitchen smells like Zion Detroit and Redeemer Ft Wayne.


  1. Okay, I shouldn't have read the post about the pig right before this one. I had "pig on the brain" while reading this one and I was about to gag, actually thinking of how a pig's head would smell boiling. BLECH!

    Anyway, I bet there might be oil of rosemary in the incense.

  2. The pig was done boiling and there was no smell of it in the house when I was making the chicken with rosemary. The hog's head didn't smell too good while it was boiling -- too much of a smokey smell.

    I checked with Pr Fenton on the incense. As far as he knows, there's nothing rosemary-ish in their incense.
