Thursday, June 06, 2013

Labeling Your Homeschooling Method

Not only do we separate ourselves from other homeschoolers when we label our methodology, but we also mess with our own minds.  "Can I use this textbook for science?  It wouldn't really fit with my unschooling perspective."  Or "It seems like the kids would prefer choosing their own books to read, but I'm a classical homeschooler and therefore the kids must read the books on this particular list."  Just teach your kids already!  What works for others may not work for you, and what works for you may not benefit another family.  And what works this month may not work for you next year.  That's okay.  Just teach your kids.

My friend EC explains it beautifully!!  Really.  Go read it.


  1.'s very easy to get caught up in all of it, especially when you're starting out with zero experience and are researching the options out there. I am sure I'll be a totally different homeschooler ten years from now, and I will apologize to Audrey for having to be the guinea pig her entire childhood. ;)

  2. Thank you for the link!

    I am behind on my blog reading; sorry my thanks is so late!
