Sunday, May 23, 2010

Choir Concert

Maggie's been singing with the Academy Choir since November. It's taken a LOT of trips during the school day back and forth to church, but she has improved immensely in her singing ability. And she enjoys it!

This year, for the first time, the kids gave a concert. Here are the academy and cherub choirs.

The kids were excited to get the autograph of Paul Bouman (the composer of many of the pieces they sang this year).

Many thanks to Kathy (the choir director) and the kids at school for letting Maggie be part of the group!


  1. I am so glad she had that opportunity to participate! Here in Oregon homeschoolers are able to participate in such classes at public school.

    At the school where I have been teaching, there was no choir, but they asked if I could do that, so I said yes(always an optomist) and had a great time... we had a very good group a couple of years ago that sang at the County talent show... no prizes, but a very public performance.
    This next year we will have 6th and under singing...a building year...

  2. Yay for Maggie and for Kathy - wonderful, wonderful.

    I met Paul Bouman years ago and immediately loved him because his hands looked just like my Grandpa Uffelman's hand. Grandpa had only one hand, but I knew it well, because it was the hand that taught me to play organ.
