Sunday, December 27, 2009


Do you know how many stanzas of All My Heart This Night Rejoices they cut out of LSB??? (The answer is 60%. Do you think I will reconcile myself to that before I die?) I came home on Christmas Eve and played piano and sang the rest of it -- several times. Gary got out the violin and joined in on melody. Cool, eh?

We shall call this year "The Christmas of the Hair-Straightening"

Birthday girl, with straight hair, wearing her new Illini shirt. With straighter hair, we were calling her "Katie" all day long. It was freaky! I thought they looked alike, but, boy oh boy, straighten Mag's hair and then they really look alike!

Concentrating on the Qwirkle game --

Christmas ribbons nabbed off a present from Grandma made Rachel's hair look festive!

Now, why would you touch the filthy poker for the fireplace?

Oh, that face is more handsome than the last snapshot.

Caught a lot of nice-looking shots of Philip this week.

Gary's known at work as the guy with the interesting ties. Gumby is a favorite.

Aw. Isn't that romantic? Sharing their present-opening.

Katie. Or not. Maybe Miss-Maggie-of-the-Straight-Hair

Captain Andrew-of-the-Straight-Hair. Piratical earring. And a parrot cat on his shoulder.



    Maggie looks so different (and yes, just like Katie!)

    Andrew looks funny.

  2. Yes, Andrew looks funny.

    And you didn't know about the violin-playing because his violin skills are worse than my piano skills. Pastor was a Suzuki student and he twinkled, but not too much beyond that.

    Actually, if you'd been here, Meg, it may have hurt your ears, considering the kind of music that is made in your house. But we did what we could.

  3. Paul is too handsome for his own good. No man should ever look at another man and automatically think, "Wow, he's handsome." Seriously. It's too much...

  4. Nathan, you kill me. Ow. Too much silent laughter.

  5. And wait, PAUL!!! Where did the little evil mastermind beard ma-thing go?

  6. Boy, I hope Paul's not reading these comments. He'll get a swelled(-er) head.

    Anna, the beard left sometime after the end of No-Shave November.
